项目描述: 漂亮宝贝目前旗下签约合作的摄影师都具有多年婴幼儿摄影的拍摄经验,摄影总监更是在儿童摄影行业有着很过10年的摄影经历,多幅作品被相关杂志评为佳作。透过摄影师的精湛技术以及公司重量级的硬件配备,让每一...[详细]
1.初步咨询与沟通 ——
First Consultation&Communication
2.填写加盟申请表 —— 提出加盟申请,认真填写加盟申请表
Fill out League——Write down your application,and fill out it carefully
3.加盟资审核 —— 提交投资者、经营者工作简历及概况
Competence Auditing —— Present the resume of investor and operator
4.预约来访时间 —— 初审通过,市场部电话通知并邀请来京考察洽谈
Make an appointment —— Market department will inform and invite who has Passed the first Auditing .
5.项目考察及洽谈 —— 市场部经理详细面谈
Assess and Negotiations —— The Manager of Market department will give an interview to you .
6签订加盟合同书 —— 签订正式合同,提交身份证复印件
Sign The Contract —— Sign The Contract & Present hard copy of your ID card .
7 制定开业流程表 —— 双方共同制定开业运营时间表
Make Practice Time-table —— Make the time-table of Practice and work with the two parties