项目描述: 康乐美洁是拥有国内外重量级技术,具有自主产权的高科技中外合资企业;公司拥有多项国内外精细化工技术成果及由当今国内外权威顾问和科技人员组成的研发队伍,对国内外出众技术有很强的吸收、创新和开发能...[详细]
康乐美洁是拥有国内外精心打造技术,具有自主产权的高科技中外合资企业;公司拥有多项国内外重量级精细化工技术成果及由当今国内外权威顾问和科技人员组成的研发队伍,对国内外创新技术有很强的吸收、创新和开发能力;企业引进国外创新生产设备、精密检测仪器,主要从事食品级剂、工业设备清洗剂等精细品的研发、生产和销售。目前主要产品有:KHT系列特级剂,HK1剂,KH2系列煞必净剂,KN系列碱性清洗剂,KS系列酸性清洗剂等十几种清洗消毒产品,广泛应用于大中型食品厂,乳制品、果汁、啤酒、饮料厂、奶站等食品工业行业,以及广阔的医用、农用、民用等领域。 康乐美洁坚持产品和服务满足人们对无菌国内外的精心打造追求;以“诚信为本,科技出彩,营销创新” 为理念;以塑造中国化工领域的精锐企业为目标;本着“共生·共赢·共荣”的理念与合作者一同成长! Kangle Meijie is a Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise with world high-tech and independent property rights; possessing of multi-term international top fine chemicals technological achievements and a R&D team consisting of the most authoritative experts and brainpower in current world the company has a strong ability of absorption innovation and development on the world advanced technology. Introducing overseas advanced production equipments and precision detection instrument the company mainly engages in the R&D production and sales of fine chemicals such as food-grade bactericide and industrial equipment cleaning agent. At present the main products are as follows: KHT series superfine bactericide KH1 bactericide KH2 SHABIJING bactericide KN series alkali cleaning agent KS series acidity cleaning agent more than ten kinds of sterilization products are wi