项目描述:NE TIGER(东北虎)品牌由张志峰先生创立于1992年,是中国的品品牌。作为中国服饰文化的守护者和传承者,NE TIGER始终秉承“贯通古今 融汇中西”的设计理念,致力于复兴中国品文明,新兴中国品...[详细]
NE TIGER(东北虎)品牌由张志峰先生创立于1992年,是中国的品品牌。作为中国服饰文化的守护者和传承者,NE TIGER始终秉承“贯通古今 融汇中西”的设计理念,致力于复兴中国品文明,新兴中国品品牌。NE TIGER早期以皮草的设计和生产为起源,迅速奠定了在中国皮草行业中的领先地位。在近20年发展历史中,品牌更相继推出了晚礼服、中国式婚礼服和婚纱等系列产品,并开创性的推出定制华服。“中国有礼仪之大,故称夏;有章服之美,谓之华”。“华夏礼服”即是华服,是代表*精神的礼服,也被称为中国人的国服。 NE TIGER华服的设计可以高度概括为五大特征:以“礼”为魂,以“锦”为材,以“绣”为工,以“国色”为体,以“华服”为标志,凝汇呈现数千年华夏礼服的文明,开创现代中国特有的一种服饰形象。NE TIGER the top fashion and luxury brand of China was founded by Mr. Tiger Zhang in 1992. As the inheritor of Chinese clothing culture and heritage the brand always adheres to the design philosophy of “ Integrate Antiquity to the Present Converge Chinese and Western” and commits to the revival of the Chinese luxury culture and the emergence of Chinese luxury brand.Originated from the design and production of fur collections NE TIGER quickly established its leadership position in China’s fur industry. In the past 20 years it has introduced evening dress western wedding dress Chinese-style wedding dress and its Houte Couture— Huafu .“China has a good tradition of great manners which is ca lled “Xia”; while the collection of beautiful dresses of ancient China was named “Hua”. Huaxia’s dress is Huafu representing the essence and spirit of China’s culture and history. Therefore Huafu is also called China’s National Dress.NE TIGER generalized five major features of Huafu’s design concept: “manners” as the soul “Jin (traditional royal fabric)” as material “embroidery” as the craftsmanship “5 colors” as the core and then “Huafu” as the symbol of China. Huafu congregates the clothing culture of thousands of years by different minority groups and creates a unique dress image of contemporary China.www.ne-tiger.com
皮草时装在拓展中国市场以来,大胆提出本土化概念,吸收浓厚的东方情怀和经典韵味,将深厚的现代东方文化底蕴、消费心理及欧美尚元素相结合,鲜明并独出心裁的设计出适合中国消费需求的时尚产品,在带给所有热爱时尚的消费者的视觉体验和重量级享受的同时,也传递给大家一种全新的三品 (品牌、品质、品位)生活新概念。