**产后复中心(LASTAR PARTUM)是目前国内权威的产后恢复中心,2008年获得中国妇女儿童喜爱的品牌,在中国,集团已经拥有20家省级大型服务中心,遍布各省市重点省份,并于华南、华北、华中等地设有多间大型旗舰店,凭借好的服务质量,口碑载道,已连续3年成为各省市多人参加的产后品牌。在高速成长的几年里,**秉承为亚洲女性打造圆满产后健康恢复的理念,凭借专职的产后课程管理,为新妈妈产后出现体重很重、身材变形、乳房变形、妊娠纹、疤痕、腰背疼痛、乳汁稀少等问题提供全天然和科学的恢复方法。同时,本集团拥有国内外产后恢复科技,为顾客度身订造全面有效的恢复疗程,并对实施的每个环节都有严格的定位及评估,使每一位顾客得到有效满意品质的服务。 Blue Ribbon Postpartum Rehabilitation Centre (LASTAR PARTUM) , is currently the most authoritative postpartum recovery center, 2008, the Chinese women and children, the most popular brand in China, the Groupalready have a large service center 20 at the provincial level, key provinces throughout the country, and in South, North, Central and other places with many large flagship store, with excellent service quality, reputation contained Road, has become the country for 3 years, most peopleparticipate in the post-natal brand.In the high growth years, the Blue Ribbon adhering to create the perfect post-natal health of Asian women, the concept of recovery, with professional management of post-natal programs for new mothers after childbirth appears overweight, body deformation, deformation of the breast, stretch marks, scars, waistback pain, breast milk and few issues the recovery of all natural and scientific treatment.Meanwhile, the Group has the world"s leading post-partum recovery technology to customers tailor-made comprehensive and effective recovery treatment, and has every aspect of the implementation of strict monitoring and evaluation, to make every customer satisfied by the most effective and highest qualityservices .
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